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TheCarpCatchers Blog
Time to get the brolly out
Stand by your buzzers
7 Apr 2014 TCC's Chief bait tester
A big part of my fishing takes place in my kitchen. This morning I spent few hours making bait for the next few sessions. I have to say that this bait has caught me so many carp! As ever it's tested out on my old tom cat 'Mr Tibbs'. The real test is his reaction when he has just been fed and has a full stomach. As you can see here he simply cannot resit having a few. There is nothing super special about this bait, it's quite a simple recipe really. What make's it so good is the level of quality ingredients and the care taken in producing it. For me bait is the second most important thing after location. Get it right and you will have a big edge, it's that simple.