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TheCarpCatchers Blog
Return to the river Cam
Park farm pt 1
15 Jan 2015 More films
The first episode of Park farm has already accumulated almost 3000 hits in three days. Two weeks from now and it will be on it's way to 5000+. By then most of my regular viewers will have watched it and some will be prompting me for the next episode. So what to do? Well i reckon the magic number at the moment is 4000 views. Hit that in a week and i think i should bring forward the release of the next episode. I have always wanted to do weekly blogs thats how it started. However with my films on average being six times longer and the resolution correspondingly higher too it all takes a lot more time. So how to react? Well if i hit 4000 i will try and bring forward the release of the next episode and go from there. It's the middle of winter and fishing for me has stopped whilst i concentrate on other things. So i have more time. Come summer it all changes as i am out more... But then so are you eh :-)