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TheCarpCatchers Blog
Bivvy Tramps
In the beginning
11 Feb 2016 Forgotten fish
Keeping a diary is a handy thing, especially if like me you sometimes need to look back. It was while i was looking through my pictures from 2008 when i spotted this fish which i had completely forgotten i had caught! The filedate said 08-09-2008 but that's all. However back in 2008 i was still keeping diaries and so a quick look at the back of the diary for 2008 revealed all. September 8th 2008 was a Monday and on the Saturday previous i had pre-baited the swim with 6Kg Hemp, 3kG 15mm pellets and 4Kg of Berry boilies. Prebaiting like this had gone on for 2 weeks already and i had managed three fish, all to short 2-4 hour sessions with just one rod and the minimum of kit. Looking in my diary for that morning the entry is brief. 'Fish rolled over spot when i arrived at 7.30am. 8.30am 26.12lb common. Left at 9.30 and baited up with 3kg Hemp, 2Kg pellets 1Kg berry boilies'. So this year i am going to start keeping a diary again, that way i can look back with just a turn of a page and perhaps, not forget any more fish?