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TheCarpCatchers Blog
Vital kit
Tighten up
29 Apr 2016 Responsive blogging
A big part of TheCarpCatcher isn't just about the skills on the bank it's also about the skills in front of the computer. From the fishing and filming comes the editing, uploading and releasing on the web. YouTube, Facebook, Google and Twitter are there ready to suck up your content but of course it can soon disappear in the never ending feed. In 1996 i made a good decision for my future and a bad one for my current fishing, i went to university to study Computer Science. In 2007 i built my first website for TheCarpCatcher when i started blogging. Now fully responsive, for mobile, pad or pc my blog is in it's third year with 400+ posts. I lost three years of carping, but we wouldn't have TheCarpCatcher without it.