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TheCarpCatchers Blog
The Woolpack lake 7 pt 2
You have to endure
22 Jul 2016 The Importance of bait
The great thing about reviewing my sessions whilst editing is that I can analyse them and identify my strengths. Only through this can a pattern of success or otherwise be identified and this film ( has a message that's abundantly clear and that's the importance of bait and how you apply it.
A constant trickle of bait over a four day period has paid off for me on many occasions and the reasons are obvious. We know they eat our bait at there own time of choosing and it's because of this that we have to regulate what's in the swim. Too much and they might fill up and move on before picking up the trap. Too little and there caution remains making it equally likely that they won't pick up the bait.
Little and often regulates how much is in the swim but it also gives you variation too. Bait will be spread out more randomly and will be in different states of breakdown so this will see the carp being a lot less cautious and the fact that there is always a few baits in the swim too is a real bonus. The only thing left is to keep an eye on conditions, adjust your feeding accordingly and of course, be lucky!