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TheCarpCatchers Blog
The Woolpack lake 7 pt 6
The Woolpack lake 7 pt 5
1 Oct 2016 Choice of swims
I suppose i lean more to a laid back style than say a focused one, i would never think to fire out pebbles instead of boilies in an attempt to trick my fellow anglers into thinking i wasn't baiting up and actually fishing singles. I would never cast into someone else swim and i would most likely never setup opposite to someone and i would always fish as far away from everyone else as i could. Bankside etiquette is important, more important to me than catching a few fish. This is why i like to be on my own and this week i managed to not only get a choice of swims, but be on my own (if only for a while). So here is the start of another session, a flat calm and respite from the northerly winds. All coming up in episode seven of The Woolpack lake 7.