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TheCarpCatchers Blog
First fish
All my birthdays
11 Aug 2019 Living the Dream part Nineteen
There's nothing like finding somewhere where you can fish in relative peace & quiet and just get on with doing your own thing. Where the carp are not so pressured that they stop behaving naturally. Where you can study them in their environment feeding on your bait and moving around the lake.
It's my last session on this lovely little pool, I've done well too landing over 30 carp in all. Twenty-three short day sessions over two months, I traveled over a thousand miles in my Suzuki 4X4 and thank goodness I had such a versatile and capable vehicle because I wouldn't have gotten in and out without it.
Sometimes in the midst of all that goes on in life adventures like this come along, it's not often that it does but when they do you're living the dream.