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TheCarpCatchers Blog
That magic
Alder lake mysteries
18 Jul 2014 Background noise
I have often said in my films that it is best to keep quiet whilst fishing and there are good reasons for this too. Fish associate things over time with danger and some of course are already inbuilt. A bird flying low over a group of carp basking in the sun will always result in an eruption on the surface as the carp panic and run. A natural inbuilt mechanism for survival. Another is their reaction to sound. Whilst fishing Valley pool i have noticed that they can pick up the slightest noise and this is despite the cacophony of the background noise that sometimes comes from the builders yard. Watching the carp whilst all this noise from the yard has been going on i have seen the carp cruising around not the slightest bit agitated. Its background noise, they are used to it and hence do not associate it with danger. However make a sound thats not part of this background noise? Sound travels differently through solid matter than it does air. It is like the beat of a drum, a rhythm to life which can be recognised and filtered out. I try to filter mine out, thats my natural hunting instinct. However i have to say some days i think i am wasting my time perhaps :-)