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TheCarpCatchers Blog
The reserve
The Woolpack lake 7 pt 2
4 Aug 2016 To learn and improve
Whenever you fish a place like lake 7 you're going to find the going tough at times and for a number of reasons most of us are familiar with. The long hot sunny days, angling pressure and the increased food available all go to make bites hard to come by but there is another problem too and that's the carp. After forty years of being fished for by some of the best anglers around they have wised up. So how to catch a carp that knows which bait is attached from the ones that are not? Well i am working on it and it involves yet another way of thinking and fishing for carp as well as tweaking all the things i am already doing. So this is why i am fishing lake 7, this is the reason many fish it and keep on fishing it. To learn and improve, to meet the challenge and to succeed. It might take time, more than a year perhaps, but you can be sure it will all be on film, as it happens, keeping it real.