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TheCarpCatchers Blog
The Woolpack lake 7 pt 3
To learn and improve
6 Aug 2016 The reserve
Early season on the woolpacks lake 7 and the Geese that were resident on lake 9 have decided to make their new home on lakes 5, 6 and 7 and nest on the island between lakes 5, 6. Why i perhaps here you ask, would hundreds of geese that have lived undisturbed for decades on lake 9 migrate 200 meters onto fishing lakes crowded with anglers? Well, the local council purchased the said lake and turned it into a 'reserve'.... Thankfully the Geese have now returned as things have been put on hold. The carpark the local council built for the 'reserve' flooded due to the fact it's by a lake, on a floodplain, next to the great ouse and they didn't build in drainage. There is a certain kind of justice going on here....