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TheCarpCatchers Blog
Living the Dream part thirteen
Living the Dream part twelve
18 Apr 2019 The sweetcorn kid strikes again
The day started at 6:10am with the intention of getting down the lake by 7:30 but one look out of the window and I got back into bed for another hour. Fog had descended and it was like pea soup, so no chance of a bite.
By 11:00 however it had cleared to reveal a warm sunny spring day, perfect for a few hours by a local pond. I reached the lake at around midday and spent a while walking around spotting the fish. A few were up in the shallower east bay on the back of the wind but a couple were spotted rolling just on the wind, off the reeds at the entrance to the bay. So I set my kit up to fish three rods spaced out along these reeds.
Two handfuls of Crazy Nut went out on each rod, all were tackled up with 1oz semi-fixed running lead-clips and ten inches of Gardener pro mainline with a size 8 Ultra Sharp hook. I used baits straight out of the bag for the hair which was short and as usual held on by the hair knot without a boilie stop.
Half way through the session I spotted Martin arriving and creeping down to the margin in the corner of the bay, he had one out within minutes of plopping his bait out under his rod tip, the sweetcorn kid strikes again.
In all I had five runs dropping just one fish, I fed a handful more with each recast, a pretty good session and I'd say they definitely like the bait.