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TheCarpCatchers Blog
A Carp Anglers Year Part two
A Carp Anglers Year - Part one
21 Dec 2019 Rod Hutchinson's favourite swim
This is me at the legendary Waveney Valley Lakes back in the late 80's. As you can see the kit is old school with bobbins and needles. It could be a tough place to catch carp and lots of the time that I spent there was sitting watching motionless bobbins.
As you do when you get bored we started to muck about and this is a picture of me having a bit of a laugh resting my morning paper on my rods for a coffee table, yep we were that busy!
It was late october on this session and between the four of us we only caught one fish. I blanked, even though I was in one of Rod Hutchinson's favourite swims on G lake. It has good access to the old stream bed that runs diagonally across this lake and I can remember during the night beast's were crashing about over the area, but I never got a touch. I went away disappointed with myself for not having fished better and resigned to practice my technique on a local runs water. This is often one of the reasons I go to these places, to relax, have fun and learn. The next episode in the series 'A Carp Anglers Year' is all about this.
The following year I returned to Waveney Valley lakes and had my revenge.