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TheCarpCatchers Blog
Getting ready
A tale from the Fen
19 Apr 2023 The sharp end
Ok, true story time. I was fishing a small pool for a couple of very large and elusive carp. After carefully setting up the rod by the car I slipped on my Polaroid's slipped off my shoes and slowly crept the 200 yards to the pre-baited swim. Slowly standing up straight I peered over the bushes and looked down onto the spot, all the bait had gone👍 I scanned the water, no signs of the culprit's but I knew they'd be back so I quickly swung the baited rig out over the spot and plop! I stood like a statue, scanning the water, then out of the corner of my eye a shadow appeared from the right and it was moving. I was concentrating hard trying not to loose sight of the fish as it drifted through the weed beds and at the same time looking down on the bait, up and around to my left, I didn't want any surprises it had to go like clockwork, too many snags to worry about.
Suddenly the rod was almost ripped from my hand as the freespool begrudgingly gave line, the other carp in the pool had sneaked in! It was heading left and fast, the rod was buckling and it began to bury itself in weed, the rod kicked hard and the clutch gave line, then it stopped.
I slowly bent into the fish, it was stuck fast so I eased off on the rod and waited. A ripple turned into an eruption as the carp slowly turned and swam to the left, I tightened down, the line pinged free. I heaved and took a step back, the fish came towards me covered in a huge ball of weed. I continued to wind down heave and step back.
On the last heave I wound down towards the net picked it up and scooped the whole lot in.
It was only on un-hooking that I noticed i'd left the point protector on the hook when I'd swung it out! 🤣
This is how sharp these hooks are!
I've always said they catch me more fish 😎