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TheCarpCatchers Blog
Bait making ~ Recipes
Carpers dawn
19 May 2017 Carpers sunset
I tell you something about this place, it ain't easy or predictable, well not yet. I'll remember this sunset for a long time as it was simply breathtaking but then this place can do a sunset like this everyday of the week. Thats what you get in the Fens, skies that seem to just go on and on, light and colour in it's most intense form.
The Fens are ancient and historic and were formed in the ice age. When the ice melted in swept a tide of silt laying down among other things Gault clay, this was used by Vermuyden the Dutch engineer to line the great drains that eventually drained the Fens, and gave us what we have now.
So here we have the classic Carpers sunset, and I have to say like last week this place blew that myth 'Red sky at night, shepherd's delight' right into touch as the next day? It rained and it rained and it poured and poured and...