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River Carp Quest 2017
6 Jul 2017 Re-energising
This hot summer we are having has put a stop to most of my fishing and so I have been concentrating on other things i've had little time to do. Fishing four days a week every week for a number of years I decided that this year I would take a backseat and chill.
To be honest I spend a vast amount of time just sitting by lakes doing nothing and so of course other things have suffered. My garden was getting overgrown, I was spending little time with my kids, and my home life was almost non-existent what with either being at work or fishing. Any spare time I had was spent editing films and posting on here, so I had little spare time.
It is I guess all about balance and having put in ten years filming my carp fishing and gathering an amazing following in so doing, I reckon it's a good time for a step change.
Less is more as they say so i'll be chilling in the summer fishing here and there whilst most of you are out and about but come the later months and winter i'll try and keep things going with my films from the summer.
So plans are afoot for me to spend some time on a mates fishery over the next months, put in some sessions, catch a few fish and have some fun. And I am looking forward to it too because this break is re-energising me and that's good for the fishing and good for the films.
See you on the bank soon.